How to Take Care of Dentures: Your Complete Guide to a Lasting Smile

Wondering how to take care of your dentures? Dentures offer a fantastic solution for missing teeth, but like natural teeth, they require regular attention and maintenance. 

Learning how to take care of dentures properly is crucial to prevent discomfort, bad breath, and more serious oral health issues.

In this blog, we’ll explain how to look after your dentures so you can eat, speak and smile without worrying.

Why Proper Denture Maintenance is Crucial

Properly cared-for dentures help avoid a range of issues, from minor discomfort to serious conditions such as oral infections and bone loss.

Regular maintenance prevents plaque buildup, leading to gum disease even in the absence of natural teeth.

Furthermore, well-maintained dentures retain their fit and appearance, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with ease.

How to Properly Clean Your Dentures

A consistent and careful cleaning routine is key to maintaining both the appearance and functionality of your dentures, ensuring a healthy mouth and a comfortable fit.

Follow these steps to keep your dentures in top condition:

Gentle Removal: Carefully remove your dentures, handling them over a folded towel or a basin of water to prevent damage in case they fall.

Initial Rinse: Rinse your dentures under running water to wash away loose food particles and other debris, preparing them for a more thorough cleaning.

Soft Brushing: Gently brush all denture surfaces using a soft-bristled brush and a non-abrasive cleaner, such as a denture cleaning solution or mild dish soap. Avoid regular toothpaste, which can be too harsh.

Soaking Overnight: Soak your dentures in a cleaning solution overnight to remove stubborn stains and bacteria, following the manufacturer’s guidelines for use.

Final Rinse: Rinse your dentures thoroughly under water to remove any remaining cleaning solution, ensuring no harmful residue is ingested.

Mouth Care: With your dentures removed, clean your gums, tongue, and any natural teeth with a soft-bristled brush, removing plaque and bacteria.

Careful Handling: Be mindful when handling your dentures to avoid drops that can lead to cracks or breaks.

Integrating this routine into your daily care regimen can extend the life of your dentures and enhance your oral health.

explaining how to take care of dentures ton an elderly patient

Choosing the Right Denture Cleaning Solutions

The right cleaning solution is essential for maintaining your dentures. Here are some options to consider:

Specialised Denture Cleaners: Use products formulated for dentures to remove stains and bacteria without damage. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for optimal results.

Mild Dish Soap: A fragrance-free, gentle dish soap can be an effective alternative. Ensure all soap residue is rinsed off to avoid taste issues.

Vinegar Solution: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water for a homemade solution that can remove stains and disinfect your dentures.

Baking Soda Solution: A paste of baking soda and water can gently clean dentures without scratching.

Now, let’s look at some common mistakes you should avoid to keep your dentures in the best shape.

Avoiding Common Denture Cleaning Mistakes

Ensure your dentures maintain their integrity and your oral health stays optimal by avoiding these mistakes:

Using Hot Water: Lukewarm water is best for rinsing and soaking dentures to prevent warping.

Overzealous Brushing: Gentle strokes with a soft-bristled brush are key to avoiding scratches on your dentures.

Inappropriate Cleaners: Stick to non-abrasive denture cleaners or mild soaps and avoid harsh chemicals that can damage denture materials.

Neglecting Daily Cleaning: Brush your dentures daily in addition to soaking to effectively remove plaque and bacteria.

Skipping Professional Care: Regular check-ups with your dentist ensure your dentures fit properly and remain in good condition.

Improper Storage: Keep your dentures moist in a designated soaking solution or water when not in use to prevent drying and warping.

Proper Storage and Handling of Dentures

Properly storing and handling your dentures when not in use is vital for their longevity:

Keep Dentures Moist: Soak your dentures in a denture-soaking solution or plain water to retain their shape.

Use a Denture Case: Protect your dentures from environmental contaminants and accidental damage by storing them in a denture case.

Handle With Care: Always handle your dentures over a soft towel or a water-filled sink to cushion any falls.

Avoid Wrapping in Tissues: To prevent accidental disposal, never wrap your dentures in tissues or paper towels.

Clean Before Storing: Clean your dentures thoroughly before placing them in their case for the night to ensure bacteria and food particles are not left to sit.

Change Soaking Solution Regularly: Maintain a clean environment for your dentures by changing the soaking solution daily.

Regular Check for Damage: Inspect your dentures regularly for any signs of wear or damage and consult your dentist if you notice any issues.

full dentures

Ensuring Your Smile’s Future: Contact Us for Expert Denture Care

Maintaining your dentures through proper cleaning and handling is essential for ensuring they last longer and continue to provide you with comfort and confidence. At South Coast Denture Clinic, we understand that accidents can happen and dentures may need repairs or adjustments.

If you find yourself in a situation where your dentures have been damaged or just don’t feel right, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team is here to provide you with high-quality care and solutions tailored to your needs.

Call us today to schedule a consultation or repair. Let our team help you keep your smile bright and your dentures in perfect condition!

South Coast Denture Clinic