Sports Mouthguards

Sports Mouthguards on the Gold Coast

For custom and sports mouthguards on the Gold Coast, nobody does it better than South Coast Dental Clinic!

Once you have tried a South Coast Dental Clinic mouthguard, you will never use a traditional boil-and-bite mouthguard again. Our mouthguards fit better, are smaller, yet offer better protection than chemist-bought mouthguards, and the difference is truly remarkable.

Sports mouthguards are custom-fabricated for each individual. They are usually used during sports and other activities that involve a high risk of impact on the face, but they can also be used for protection during sleep to prevent grinding. They are vacuum formed on a model from an impression to ensure a precise and comfortable fit. The accuracy of this fit provides maximum protection in many contact sports, helping to absorb the impact and reduce the force on your teeth, jaw, or skull. Our mouthguards are customisable to any colour (or multiple colours) to suit your desired taste.